Post-it Drawings

Note: It seems that some people don't know that the words that aren't black link through. Post-it Sharpie Art can be found here --->

I just started a project to change it up. Post-it Sharpie Art is exactly as it sounds. That blog uses as little text as possible, so the origin is posted below.

26 July 2011, approx 2a.m. - I start sketching on some post-it notes with a blue sharpie.
26 July 2011, approx 4:30a.m. - I realize I really like the drawings. I make a page to serve as the eventual place where they shall be posted, but need to sleep. Currently there are est. forty notes with sketches and between twenty five and thirty five individual drawings. They need to be photographed, uploaded, and posted tomorrow.
26 July 2011, approx 5p.m. - All photos uploaded and (not very) organized. Work begins on formatting.
27 July 2011, approx 10p.m. - Launched.
13 August 2011, 3:30a.m. - Move to tumblrssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss