Saturday, December 17, 2011

Killing yourself the right way

Either go high or low when you choose the handgun bullet. Low will not exit the head, bounce around and take out as much gray matter as possible. High will remove most of the head. Either way, make sure you don't do mid, which will enter, exit, and leave a whole bunch. Something like 20-30 thousand people are vegetables. I know you think your family loves you. They don't, they love having you around. Wanna Schiavo the rest of your days?

Damn this blog is getting dark.

The Problem with Being Reasonable

It's not a big post. I'm in a house, not that anyone reads this besides the bot archiving the content to use for linkthroughs. The problem with being reasonable is that it isn't going to get the news. And if you don't stir up shit, the stew will settle to nothing. I watched a man who claimed depression can be cured with food and talk therapy get more attention than a group of people claiming multifaceted and holistic approaches are better. Why? Because food is edgy, and if you believe that, you'll bite. Being reasonable only helps you to be drowned out by this sort of lunacy.