Contact Me!

You can contact me to talk if you want. You could either...
  • Email me - Probably the best way. If I don't respond right away, feel free to just go ahead and assault me with mail until I do.
  • Google+ - I still haven't really played with it, but I do tinker when I have some time. For example, I had to search for my URL, but I found it eventually! I also have invites for friends and nice people who ask politely but don't beg.
  • Twitter - I also have a "gadget" or "plug-in" or "industry-buzzword" on the side so you can see my latest tweets. 
  • Hunt me down. I haven't really tried too hard to scrub this of all personal information. You can probably find me. On a side note, hope I can still get a job!
I'm trying to improve my communication every day (all the cool kids say it will make this place super popular). If you have a cool idea, use one of the less cool ones to let me know.
