Thanks for clicking the button! You could have clicked the one right next to it to contact me and give feedback, but this one seemed better! Good choice!
I know it isn't the prettiest place. I'm a writer first, and a designer a distant ten billionth, not for lack of effort, but for lack of having that "designer touch." Whether or not you think it's true, I spend some time every day looking around for ways to improve the look and usability around here. Some days it works, some days I ugly it up and have to restore backups. It's a learning process.
If you have any advice, let me know. I'll acknowledge you, and if you want I can throw you shout-outs or a favor. I try to be a reasonable and respectful person, and would genuinely appreciate someone telling me something constructive.
If you just want to let me know how ugly it is, that works too. Obviously you don't get appreciation, but you do get the satisfaction of letting me have it, and that is something you can only get by really laying into me. Afterwards, maybe I'll send you a few links from places that I get design tips from so you can see how not intimidating it is to try and do something creative, and then ridicule me even more!
You can always subscribe to the RSS feed for formatting free text. At the very least, I have some links to other places (bottom right of the page), so you can just go there. They are usually professionals, I'm just a poser with a lap top.