Thursday, July 28, 2011

Missing the Point: How to be an Assclown Publicly [UPDATED: 28 Jul, 1:45pm]

Whether or not you are aware, I'm already pretty serious business in the blog world (look at how many people have already favorited me, my cock must be HUGE). That said, I'm debating some heavy hitters about some serious issues. If you want to follow it, I would probably click on THIS LINK RIGHT HERE.

Breakdown below the jump.
I was actually working on a short thing earlier called "Getting the Point." It was going to break down how to read the news and dissect it so a basic understanding could become true knowledge. Reading the news isn't just something you do on the article, but it requires a bit more effort. Posting about it, even just a comment, requires even more effort, because you have to understand it, and not be a complete asshat when you respond.

lilipilicious, you have clearly failed in both reading and posting in this case, so just stop it. 

I've tried talking and discussing why you need to get your shit together and stop lambasting the dead until you have the facts, but it seems that even though other people are in my corner. That shit doesn't matter, because I definitely have the facts here, and I'm sick and fucking tired of reiterating to you what it means to comment on news. 

nooz, nyooz]  Show IPA–noun usually used with a singular verb )1.a report of a recent event; intelligence; information: Hisfamily has had no news of his whereabouts for months.2.the presentation of a report on recent or new  events in anewspaper  or other periodical or on radio or television.3.such reports taken collectively; information reported: There'sgood news tonight.

That's the definition up there as found here. You'll note words like "report" and "information." I'd define all the terms for you, but that could take up a whole post itself, so please just go ahead and type "define: ***" into Google (where the *** are the word you need help with) so we can move this along. The general gist is that this "news" is based on some actual information that has either been confirmed, or is in the process of being proven.

There are plenty of stories that are confirmed to be false during the process of confirmation, but the idea is the same, that there is truth to news. Your statement, "SHE DIED OF DRUG ABUSE," isn't any sort of true yet. It might be, but we have "two to four weeks" to find out. 

I never had a problem with you claiming that she probably died of drugs. Anyone who has followed her story knows that drugs and alcohol have been a consistent issue, and in a few places I have mentioned I believe that drugs are the cause of death.

Take a second to read those, I'll wait. The key here, is that I don't go around saying "X HAPPENED, WE ALL KNOW IT" because that isn't how things work. "We all know it" or "think about it" is different than "science proves," and to try and make the first two statements equivalent to the last is what is wrong with the media today.

Pull your head out of your ass and just shut your fucking mouth. I don't care if you think that. Frankly, I wouldn't have cared if you had said:

  • We all think she died of drugs
  • Drugs probably did it
  • If it wasn't for her addiction, she might be here

See, all three of those statements have qualifiers (bolded for your ease of use. the third is a stretch, but I figured I would let you know what you could have potentially gotten away with). Even though they can be used to push opinion, they aren't claiming to be fact. 

Facts and speculation aren't the same thing. Judging from your posts, I would speculate you are probably grasping at straws (not a straw man argument, not a troll at all), but I won't say definitively one way or another. Do the world a favor, don't stop posting, don't quit, don't run away, just think before you hit the submit button. Ask yourself, "Is this true? If it isn't, am I trying to pass it off as fact?" Two fucking questions would make your entire discourse less unbearable, and I think you might actually give back to the community. 

UPDATE: It is looking like Amy may have been living a much quieter life and that her death may have been from alcohol withdrawal. Faces with eggs on them for 100 Alex.

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