Thursday, August 4, 2011

Beer Review: Lionshead Deluxe Pilsner

Well... that's beer all right. This week, I review Lionshead Deluxe (!!!) Pilsner. Purchased completely on a whim, this beer is from Wilkes-Barre, PA, so it's kind of local-ish.
Go Hawks!

What Matters:
4.5% ABV - Not too much kick, but it's light enough you can put down a sizable number quickly. Ranks high on my session beer list. Purchased for dirt cheap (<$10 for 12pk) helps.

There is this plain, brown cardboard aesthetic to both the labels and box, nice touch. The beer itself pours a yellow that is as close to piss as any liquid not piss I have ever seen. Foams up a finger-wide head that immediately disappears. This is working man beer, beer that goes as far as being beer, then moves no farther.

Literally, that smells like beer. Nothing else on the nose. Malt, hop, liquor, water, in that order.

If anyone has ever asked you, "What does beer taste like?" this is the answer. Lionshead tastes like beer tastes like Lionshead. Light enough to pound them down, heavy enough it isn't beer flavored water. This is the perfect beer for my first review, because it is literally not good or bad. I've never tasted something and felt more indifferent.

Rating: 2.5/5

BONUS JOKE: How is American Beer like sex in a canoe? ........It's fucking close to water.  

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